Thanksgiving - Sponsorship

Dear Merdinian Community,


As we approach the Thanksgiving season—a time of reflection, gratitude, and giving—we are delighted to announce that Merdinian School has decided to sponsor 40 students who

were forcibly displaced from Artsakh and have enrolled in the Armenian Missionary Association of America's Khoren & Shooshanig Avedisian School in Armenia. Read more about the students here.


As sister schools, Merdinian School and Avedisian School have always shared a close bond, and we consider our partnership a source of pride. Our decision to sponsor these 40 students exemplifies our deep commitment to the values of compassion, education, and community. Each student's tuition for one academic year is $300, and we would like each class to adopt one or two students. Our sponsorship will help ensure these students have access to essential school supplies, books, and the educational opportunities they deserve.


If you wish to join us in supporting this noble cause, please donate on our website or send in your cash/check donations by Wednesday, November 22, 2023.  


Together, we can make a significant impact on the lives of these 40 students and help them build a brighter future.




Merdinian Administration