Learning Beyond the Classroom

At Merdinian there are many opportunities for students to distinguish themselves as leaders. Participation in the student council, academic teams, clubs, athletic teams, performing arts and other co-curricular activities can and do help our students build leadership skills that last a lifetime.

We expect all students to be leaders at Merdinian, whether they have a title or not. When students lead, they are fully living and embracing the mission of the School.
Developing Leaders and Changemakers
The Middle School years are a dynamic time of growth across every dimension. Is it our hope that through genuine experiences outside the traditional classroom, students will learn how to create the conditions of civil community, solve their own problems, and engage in moral decision-making, the cornerstones of good character. Through the Middle School Leadership Retreat, we focus on teaching these important skills so they can positively impact our school, community, church, and homeland.
Transforming into Global Citizens
Merdinian strives to graduate young people who are ready to be informed, principled and courageous global citizens. Therefore, domestic and international trips are an integral part of the curriculum and the ideal complement to the classroom experience. The trips open students’ eyes, and they assimilate a new way of living and looking at the world. These exchanges, immersions and cultural encounters are designed to go beyond cursory “tourist” tokenism, to deepen our student's understanding of the rich history of the United States, the Armenian communities of the U.S., and the homeland. Previous trips have included Fresno, Sacramento, Washington D.C. and Armenia.