Preschool FAQ

Here is a collection of frequently asked questions, if your curiosity is not answered, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school or program director.
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be served to your children daily to ensure that all children receive a daily balanced meal. The school will provide extra snacks for students who are enrolled in the extended care program.
If your child exhibits signs of illness such as cough, runny nose, watery eyes, rash, nausea, headache, or fever above 100.4F, please do not send him/her to school. Students who become ill in class will be sent to the school's health assistant and cared for until a parent or parent's designee arrives.
The school has adopted the Creative Curriculum, a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and is aligned with the California preschool learning foundation framework.
We emphasize respectful discipline practices that focus on talk-throughs rather than punishing. It's important to teach children what they "can do" as much as what they "cannot do".
You can drop off your preschooler in their classroom as early as 7:45 AM. With our extended care program, pick-up can be as late as 5:00 PM.
We are proud to share that our full classrooms have 6 children to 1 teacher ratio.
Merdinian’s preschool teachers speak primarily Armenian with their students. If there is a language barrier with a child in the classroom, then our teachers won’t have a problem repeating their instruction in English.
We require that children be fully toilet trained before they are admitted to our preschool. Full toilet training means that children are able to communicate their need to use the potty, they are wearing big boy/girl underwear and can attempt to independently manage their bathroom needs. We always make sure there is a teacher supervising all potty visits just in case the children need some help.
Safety is our highest priority at Merdinian School therefore, all of our staff members are trained in pediatric first aid, CPR, and emergency response procedures. We maintain up-to-date certifications for our staff and require regular training with certified professionals to ensure their emergency preparedness.